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Product introductions : Settings


On a top screen,setting buttonthe settings button is done in the tap, and a set screen is displayed. The picture book can be set.
setting screen
[ Language ] button
You can select language.
[ Language ] button
You can select language in text and voice separately.
[ Opacity ] slider button
You can adjust opacity of subtitle background.
[ Reading ] button
"On" and "Off" can be switched by doing the reading button in the tap.
[ Screen setting ] button
You can select automatic, landscape, or portrait.
[ Portrait layout ] button
When the pattern1 button is done in the tap, the switch drum is displayed. It drags and the button arrangement is selected.
[ Portrait layout ] pattern1pattern1
[ Portrait layout ] pattern2pattern2
[ Landscape layout ] button
When the pattern1 button is done in the tap, the switch drum is displayed. It drags and the button arrangement is selected.
[ Landscape layout ] pattern1pattern1
[ Landscape layout ] pattern2pattern2


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